Using traditional and new media to increase the impact of adult education initiatives to fight prejudice, xenophobia and discrimination; this project was a GRUNDTVIG Learning Partnership project, consisting of 6 organizations from 4 countries: the Netherlands, France, the UK, and Turkey. It aimed at exchanging different European adult education strategies using traditional and new media to increase the impact of initiatives to fight prejudice, xenophobia and/or discrimination mechanisms. Special emphasis was put on low-threshold non-formal strategies targeting learners from underprivileged or marginalized backgrounds.
Over a period of two years, from 2012 – 2014, the partner organisations exchanged best practices in adult education to use traditional media (newspapers, documentaries, etc.) or new media (the internet, social media, phone-based applications, etc.) to fight various forms of prejudice, xenophobia and discrimination (racism, antisemitism, islamophobia, antitsiganism, homophobia, sexism, social marginalization, etc.). Their strategies were accessible and transferable in a low-income context.