Prof. Miri Shonfeld is Secretary General of the International Association of Intercultural Education, IAIE. She is the head of the Technology, Education, and Cultural Diversity (TEC) Center at MOFET Institute. She the head of at the thesis graduate program in Technology in Education at Kibbutzim College of Education in Tel-Aviv. She was involved in writing national and international position papers. Her research deals with intercultural education, online learning environments, collaborative work, and faculty development. She received the unity award in 2018 for the TEC center from the president of Israel and from the Ministry of education for the unique pedagogical initiative in 2013 and a prize for outstanding educational project for tolerance in 2010.
- Prof. Miri Shonfeld Ph.D.
- Head, Center for Technology and Cultural Diversity, MOFET
- Head, Thesis Graduate Program for Technology in Education
- Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts
- Tel. (972)-3-6901403 . 149 Namir rd Tel Aviv 62507- Israel
- Secretary General, International Association of Intercultural Education, IAIE