Barry van Driel is Honorary President of the IAIE and Treasurer. He is also the Editor in Chief of the IAIE journal Intercultural Education (Routledge). He was Secretary General of the IAIE from 2003 until 2016 and President from 2016 - 2024.
Barry van Driel was until recently senior staff member of the Anne Frank House, responsible for teacher training and curriculum development, from 1993 - 2021. He has been the Editor in Chief of the international academic journal Intercultural Education since 2000. He has served as senior education consultant to the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in Warsaw as well as a consultant the FRA (Fundamental Rights Agency). He serves as a consultant to the European Commission in multiple capacities. He was lead author of the 2015 NESET II report entitled “Education Policies and Practices to Foster Tolerance, Respect for Diversity and Civic Responsibility for Children and Young People in the EU.” He was team leader for a European Commission initiated project mapping how Initial Teacher Education Institutions prepare future teachers to work in diverse classrooms, and is also expert consultant for the European Commission ET2020 Working Group on Promoting Citizenship and the Common Values of Freedom, Tolerance and Non-Discrimination through Education. Since 2010 he has been head of the jury member of the prestigious UNAOC-BMW Intercultural Innovation awards and has been chair of the jury since 2013.