Paper presentations: These talks present reports of significant work in empirical research and development, or innovative theoretical analyses related to the themes of the strand they will feature in. Authors will have 20 minutes to present their papers and answer questions. It is recommended that presenters prepare slides to illustrate their talk.
Poster presentations: Poster sessions enable researchers to demonstrate and discuss their latest results and developments (or their work in progress) in order to gain feedback and to establish contact with similar projects. Posters should be A1 size. There will be 45 minutes allocated for authors to present their posters and answer the audience's questions.
Roundtables: These 45-minute sessions allow maximum interaction in informal, small-group discussions on a single topic. The format is appropriate for papers, projects, instructional strategies and evaluation procedures, or work-in-progress that encourage discussion. Roundtables typically share a room with 4 to 6 concurrently held Roundtables. Authors should provide participants with enough information and guiding questions to help them discuss the issue and decide whether their needs can be met with the suggested program or procedure.
Workshops: Workshops are intended to enhance the skills and broaden the perspectives of their attendees through experiential activities and debriefing discussions. A clear description of the objectives and the intended audience (experience level and prerequisites) are essential. Due to the large number of submissions, only 45-minute-long workshops can be included in the program.
Based on the reviewers' comments, please edit/revise your abstract by 10 February in order for it to be published in the Abstract book. You can do this on the EasyChair platform by returning to your submission and clicking on "Update information" in the top right corner. As a reminder, depending on the format, abstracts should include the following:
Research methods or Theory developed / Workshop description / Project details and sources used (max. 150 words) | Project details and sources used (max. 150 words) |
Outcomes and findings or expected outcomes (max. 100 words), | References (between 3 and 8) and five key words |
After the conference, selected papers will be published in the journal Intercultural Education. More information about this in the summer.